The Last Leaf

Author: O.Henry

Humanity of an elderly artist

The article I chose to write is "The Last Leaf". This is a short story by an American writer named O. Henry. This story was published in early 1907 in the story collection Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories. This series has been published and included in many textbooks for students around the world, and the first time I learned about this story when I was 13 years old. The story is about a girl named Johnsy who was sick with pneumonia and thought she would die when the last ivy leaf fell from her window. But there was an artist named Behrman who lived downs tairs and created a final work of painting the ivy leaf outside Johnsy's window. The leaf was so real that Johnsy thought that even the leaf had the strength to survive in the winter weather, so she regained her spirit and her illness gradually progressed after that. But sadly, Mr. Behrman passed away the night he created that work because he got sick with pneumonia when stay outside too long.

“Writen by Long Vu”