Three Exceptional Websites

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01. - Minimalist and Functionality

apple homescreen

Design Style

Apple has a minimalist design style that helps highlight major new product launches as soon as you visit their website. With the focus on new products, the navigation bar is also simplified and sized appropriately so as not to take up too much space in the viewer's eyes, so that the thing that interacts with viewers the most is the company's new products. They have a large title, a short summary of the product's structure and a shopping button with the most prominent image of the product. As soon as you scroll down, Apple will break down the components of their products. A simple listing, choosing to list product names such as Macbook, Iphone, Ipad... will make it easier for viewers to understand the products they have along with images of the products.


Obviously, when designing such a minimalist and effective website, interaction with users will be highly effective when they only need to focus on the main and new products. Users will not need to read too much text or words that will make them confused about which product to choose or have difficulty finding the product. Just simply the product name and image they provide, I can easily find what I need after just a short search. Inside each product when we click on it, Apple will give us vivid experiences by bringing animations of the product and showing us more perspectives of the product, this is very important when shopping online because we will not be able to know how the actual product will look from many angles. Apple has introduced animations and allowed us to interact to know more details and clarity about the product.

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02. - Interact and relax

unseen homescreen

Design Style

Unseen has a simple, effective design with pleasant pastel color tones. This is a website with gentle color tones combined with bold fonts to attract users' attention, which is the core factor when creating this website. With minimalist, effective designs and digital interactions, this website gives us an enjoyable experience. With a focus on each project item, Unseen easily shows users what they have to offer and what products they have launched.


The unique combination of digital interaction and gentle melodious music when starting to access the website will make us feel light when using the website. The interaction of the mouse pointer when surfing on the interface shows the constant movement and interaction with the user, making them not bored but fascinated and interested. A disadvantage here is that because it is a digital website, the website is quite heavy and has a slightly delayed experience, and if used for a long time, you will feel a bit uncomfortable and dizzy (personal points). In the end, Unseen is still an excellent website as it is among the best websites of 2023.

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03. - Book your tickets and enjoy

hyer homescreen

Design Style

Flyhyer is a website where you can book personal business flights for travel. This website has a minimalist and effective design that doesn't do too much but only divides the main content combined with animation. This is not a static website, so when we use it, we will feel interesting every time we surf to where we want. What I like about this website is the effective interaction while being minimalist but not boring. The colors used on the website can be seen to have been chosen appropriately for each item.


With simple interaction only when we scroll down or up, this is enough to make visitors not feel too bored and not too confusing when accessing and filling in information for too long. Minimalism in displaying information helps the website achieve optimal interaction to deliver information to users.

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